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Our Work

The Arizona Transformation Project engages in original research and writings designed to improve both the Inside-Out Prison Exchange program specifically and the criminal justice system more broadly:

Participatory Action Research (PAR) Project #1:  Reducing Recidivism 


This participatory action research (PAR) project involved active collaboration between inside and outside ATP members to design and administer a survey on recidivism reduction to use with men who are incarcerated. The survey covered respondent experiences with and views on employment, housing, substance abuse, and reentry, as well as their proposed solutions for reducing reoffending. Outside ATP members helped in training inside members on interviewing and protecting human subjects in research. Incarcerated ATP members then conducted all interviews, surveying 409 men living at East Unit in ASPC-Florence. ATP members all worked together on data analysis and creating a final report for Arizona Governor Doug Ducey’s Recidivism Reduction Project Team. Both outside and inside ATP members also wrote peer-reviewed publications describing the project and their experience. 


Reports, articles, and presentations: â€‹


Media coverage:​​

PAR Project #2: Enhancing the Prison Environment​


This second PAR project focuses more on improving the prison environment. ATP members are utilizing the same approach as PAR Project #1; they collaborated to design a survey instrument and incarcerated ATP members administered this survey to men incarcerated at East Unit in Spring 2020. The surveys covers multiple topics on life in prison, including interactions with staff, dynamics with other incarcerated men, and prison programming. We will add more information and additional reports and publications following data collection and analysis.


Reports, articles, and presentations: 

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