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Our Story

The first class was an overwhelming success, but it left students and facilitators with the sense that there was still more work to be done. Inside students of that first class were invited to apply to be part of a “think tank” that would bring together facilitators with inside student alumni to continue the work of Inside-Out. Five students were initially selected to be a part of this group, which would meet biweekly in the visitation room of the East Unit at ASPC-Florence over the summer of 2016. These eight people—five inside members and three outside members—would develop the name, mission statement, and goals and responsibilities of the Arizona Transformation Project. In Summer 2017, the ATP expanded and now includes four current inside members, four outside members, and four alumni members.

The Arizona Transformation Project (ATP) is an Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program think tank. The ATP began in 2016 as a collaboration between students and faculty from the Arizona State University (ASU) School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and incarcerated men at the Arizona State Prison Complex in Florence, AZ following the completion of the first Inside-Out Prison Exchange course in Arizona in Spring 2016.

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